API Reference

Field nameTypeDescription
survey_groupintegerRepresents the identifier of a survey group, which is a unique identifier for your Zencity survey. To obtain your survey group IDs, use the survey groups request, which returns your survey group IDs. You will need your survey group ID for specific requests as described in the documentation
survey_typestringRepresents the survey type to filter by. The options are: "blockwise," "community_survey," "pulse," and "customer_experience"
question_idintegerRepresents the identifier of a question. You will need your question_id
depthintegerRepresents the division’s depth, which is the geographical hierarchical level. For example, level 0 represents city/county-level data, and level 1 represents data for the highest hierarchical geographical areas under a city/county level (for example, division or districts)
division_layer_idintegerRepresents the identifier of a division layer, which is a specific geographical layer
polygon_namearray of stringsRepresents polygon names. For Example: "Division 3" or "South Precinct". The polygon name indicates the area in your city/county that the requested data refers to
division_idintegerRepresents the identifier of a geographical division (area)
age_group_idintegerRepresents the identifier(s) of age group choice(s)
education_idintegerRepresents the identifier(s) of education choice(s)
income_idintegerRepresents the identifier(s) of income choice(s)
gender_idintegerRepresents the identifier(s) of gender choice(s)
ethnicity_idintegerRepresents the identifier(s) of ethnicity choice(s)
start_datedateRepresents the start date of requested submissions. The format for dates is YYYY-MM-DD. Start dates need to align with the cycle dates that are retrieved through the "Get Cycles" request."
end_datedateRepresents the end date of requested submissions. The format for dates is YYYY-MM-DD. End dates need to align with the cycle dates that are retrieved through the "Get Cycles" request"
aspect_idintegerRepresents the identifier of the aspect (see the full documentation for an explanation about aspects)
aspect_namestringRepresents aspects names. For Example: "Safety" or "Respect."
aspect_sentencestringA sentence that describes an aspect and what it score measures
score_descriptionstringDescribes the relationship between the scores and the sample size that was used to calculate it. The options are: "Representative," "Based on a small sample size," and "No score." See the "responses for scores based on small samples" for full details.
classification_sub_topic_valuestringRepresents the sub-topic name in an open-ended question (relevant to the "Get Topics" request)
classification_topic_idintegerRepresents the identifier of a topic in an open-ended question (relevant to the "Get Topics" request)
classification_topic_valuestringRepresents the topic name in an open-ended question (relevant to the "Get Topics" request)
responsesintegerRepresents the number of responses assigned to a specific topic or sub-topic for open-ended questions (relevant to the "Get Topics" request)
total_submissionsintegerTotal submissions for a specific question or aspect, including invalid submissions
total_valid_submissionsintegerTotal valid submissions for a specific question or aspect, including invalid submissions. Valid responses are those that are nonmissing, that are from respondents over the age of 18, and those that live in the municipality.