This endpoint returns the breakdown of all choices for each individual question in the survey. The user requests question score breakdowns for individual questions in the survey (not aspects) and receives a breakdown of the choice answers to each question, including the question text. The score in the response refers to the percentage of responses for a specific choice answer.
Question scores can be filtered by: Geographical division AND/OR Demographics (Age, Ethnicity, Gender, Education, Income).
The start_date and end_data params are required. These dates need to align with the cycle dates that are retrieved through the Get Cycles endpoint. The survey_group param is also required and should be retrieved through the Get Survey Groups endpoint.
Sample sizes are addressed in the "score_description" field. In the Zencity dashboard, we do not display scores that are based on samples that are smaller than 30 respondents. When requesting data through the Get Aspects request, the response will not return scores that are based on a sample size lower than 30. The API response under "score description" will return the following value: "No score". When scores are based on a sample size of 30 to 49 responses, the API response under "score description" will return the following value: "Based on a small sample size". A "Representative" response in the "score_description" field means that the score was based on a N>49 sample.