This endpoint returns the count number for all topics and sub-topics (if available) for the open-ended questions that are categorized by topics. The response will return the topic breakdown in raw numbers and not in percentages. For example, open text feedback from residents on Blockwise surveys includes categorization of main topics and sub-topics that are applied to the "main concerns" question (asking for free text feedback about resident's main public safety concerns). When a user requests the topic count for the Blockwise concerns questions, the response will include the number of categorized topics and sub-topics for the open-ended question. The same logic applies for all categorized open-ended questions.
Through the "Get Topics" request, the user can request the topic and sub-topic breakdown for any open-ended question in their survey that utilizes a category model.
Topics can be filtered by: Geographical division AND/OR Demographics (Age, Ethnicity, Gender, Education, Income).